Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Floor changing at Stalpes Center

Today I went to latimes website and there I saw a nice article actually an animated photo made by Jason Neubert where he tries to show how "easy" the floor can be changed.I think this job takes over 1-2 hours, but he managed to create a 20 seconds clip.

Watch Jason Neubert art in action at L.A. Times

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Monday, January 12, 2009

The flying car

This car represents the dream of every car driver who wants to get rid of the traffic and get in a short time to the target.

The car was build by some brilliant people and some NASA engineers who mention that they managed to build Terrafugia Transition, a dream come true.

For the moment, the flying car is being tested so if there everything goes right we could have this car in shops in less than 18 months.

Carl Dietrich, the CEO at Terrafugia in Massachusetts, declared this car is the first car whit extending wings.Terrafugia could fly at 800 meters at 180km/h speed with just 1 full tank of fuel.

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He throws the garbage TV

This is totally crazy!

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to get some easy money

This trick can be kind of useful sometimes when you are out of cash.Although do not try this at home :D seriously it can be "dangerous" if someone sees you...but is your choice.

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TV in 3D sounds cool and now it is very possible with 3D glasses.Experts are saying that with this new technology you can experience a more realistic view and for doctors this technology will help them to discover problems that they couldn't discover with "classical" technology.

Of course for games addicted this is a huge step and it has already create a big source of rumors.

At the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Sony, Panasonic, LG, Mitsubishi and Samsung all showed off prototypes of or announced plans to develop television sets that can show content in 3D.

Some cinemas are already equipped to show 3D films but the next frontier is to bring them into the home.

[via: SMH]

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Miley Cyrus and her Uvula wtf?

Wtf??She cut her uvula but I really don't understand what is the sense of this video.Never mind but she is very crazy!no, not in the good way.Let's hope that the love of her fans will make her feel better in no time because like this, she will have some problems.

Oh...and a really big question - How could Miley Cyrus cut her uvula?

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Picture of the week

This week it seems like bears, the polar bears are in the mood for a pool party like this polar dude who seems to have fun standing on a big piece of ice and floating.

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